A business name is a name used in business transactions other than true names of persons and / or judicial entities. Business Name Registration is one of the major frontline services that DTI-NCR handles. It regulates the requirements and procedures needed in registering a business name.
There is a need to register business names to protect both the consumers and business owners. The process is able to identify the name and address of the establishment, and the identity of the owner. Thus, consumers are assured of fair trade transactions because they are provided with the mechanism to trace essential information on the firm and its owner. Likewise, business name registration protects business name owners because it entitles them to the exclusive use of the business name that they have chosen. For details, please visit: http://www.dtincr.ph/service_businessnameregistration.php
The Business Name Registration Certificate issued by DTI is valid for five years.
For NEW and RENEWAL Application:
For queries, please visit: http://www.bnrs.dti.gov.ph/web/guest/faqs