ORD. No. 03-2023 | 2023-01-09 | Res.No.3-Ord.No.1, an Ordinance prohibiting the use and wearing of bonnets, tube masks and balaclava that cover and hide the face and identities of drivers, passengers and other persons, imposing penalties in violation thereof. |
ORD. No. 970-2022 | 2022-12-29 | Supplemantal Appropriation amount of P18,750.00, Rice Assistance to all government employees and workers for FY 2022 |
ORD. No. 969-2022 | 2022-12-29 | Supplemental Appropriation amounting to P9,280,000.00, cover the grant of maximum amount of P5,000.00 each JOW. |
ORD. No. 968-2022 | 2022-12-29 | Supplemental Appropriation amounting to P3,361,250, Rice Assistance to all government employees and worker for FY 2022 at a uniform quantity of 25 kilograms each person. |
ORD. No. 966-2022 | 2022-12-29 | Supplemental Appropriation amounting to P558,000.00, for SRI of employees who were not qualified to receive ESI due to tenure in thr LGU |
ORD. No. 965-2022 | 2022-12-29 | Supplemental Appropriation amounting to P678,571.43, for the Construction of Perimeter Fence at Barangay Plaza, Tabuan. |
ORD. No. 953-2022 | 2022-12-09 | Supplemental Appropriation amounting to P75,000.00, to grant of Productivity Enhancement Incentive (PEI) at P5,000.00 per employee |
ORD. No. 952-2022 | 2022-12-09 | Supplemental Appropriation amounting to P33,600.00, to grant of Collective negotiation Agreement (CNA) Incentive. |
ORD. No. 950-2022 | 2022-12-09 | Supplemental Appropriation amounting to P3,221,000.00. |
ORD. No. 949-2022 | 2022-12-09 | Supplemental Appropriation amounting to P655,000.00, to grant of Exemplary Services Incentive at P50,000.00 per employee in line w/ the Program on Awards & Incentives Services Excellence (PRAISE). |
ORD. No. 948-2022 | 2022-12-09 | Supplemental Appropriation amounting to P35,600,000.00, to grant of Exemplary Services Incentive at P50,000.00 per employee in line w/ the PRAISE. |
ORD. No. 947-2022 | 2022-12-09 | Supplemental Appropriation amounting to P4,135,000.00, to grant of Productivity Enhancement Incentive (PEI) at P5,000.00 per employee |
ORD. No. 946-2022 | 2022-12-09 | Supplemental appropriation amounting to P70,000.00 to be funded out of the un-appropriated balance of the Economic Enterprise in the amount of P371,722.59. |
ORD. No. 934-2022 | 2022-11-28 | CDC, Supplemental Appropriation in the amount of P3,357,142.86 to be funded from the abandoned projects of Barangay Boyco under the 20% Development Fund. |
ORD. No. 933-2022 | 2022-11-28 | Supplemental Appropriation in the total amount of P17,717,062.01 |
ORD. No. 915-2022 | 2022-11-28 | General fund amounting to P3,750,000.00 representing savings in current appropriation for the Construction of City hall Building Extension (Additional fund). |
ORD. No. 914-2022 | 2022-11-28 | General fund amounting to P700,000.00 representing savings in continuing appropriation under Special Purpose Appropriation. |
ORD. No. 912-2022 | 2022-11-28 | Supplemental Appropriation amounting to P400,000.00 |
ORD. No. 911-2022 | 2022-11-28 | Supplemental Appropriation amounting to P521,722.59 |
ORD. No. 910-2022 | 2022-11-28 | Supplemental approrpiation amounting to P150,000.00 to be funded from reversion of savings in continuing appropriation to the un-appropriated balance of City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management fund in the amount of P449,634.60. |
ORD. No. 908-2022 | 2022-11-28 | Supplemental Appropriation amounting to P1,835,000.00 |
ORD. No. 898-2022 | 2022-11-28 | Appropriation Ordinance#3, the total amount of P2,929,904.11 representing unappropriated balance of the SK Fund CY2021 is hereby appropriated for the neccessary projects/programs/activities of the barangay. |
ORD. No. 797-2022 | 2022-10-24 | Ordinance No. 34 |
ORD. No. 796-2022 | 2022-10-24 | Ordinance No. 33 |
ORD. No. 320223 | 2022-09-19 | excerpt.... |
ORD. No. 411-2022 | 2022-06-20 | 411-Ordinance No. 22, an Ordinance upgrading the salary grade of the present plantilla of midwife II, Nurse III and Nurse IV to salary grade 11, salary grade 17 and salary grade 19 respectively pursuant to DBM Budget Circular No.2018-4 |
ORD. No. 308-2022 | 2022-05-27 | Res. No. 308, Letter dated April 19, 2022 of the Honorable Mayor Pryde Henry A. Teves requesting for the authority to utilizing the Lump-sum Appropriation |
ORD. No. 256-2022 | 2022-04-04 | Res. No. 256, Res. No. 63, s. of 2021, of Barangay Dawis,this city, enacting Appropriation Ordinace No. 19, reverting to the un-appropriated balance of BDRRM funded |
ORD. No. 167-2022 | 2022-02-28 | Res. No. 167, Res No 7, s. Brgy Villareal , this city enacting Ordinance |
ORD. No. 158-2022 | 2022-02-21 | Res.No.158-Appropriation Ord.No.4, total amount of P9,302,465.22 to be funded from the Savings for CY2021 appropriated for the budgetary requirements of the newly created positions |
ORD. No. 88-2022 | 2022-01-31 | Res. No. 88, Res, No. 41, s. of 2021, of Brgy. Malabugas, this city, enacting Appropriation Ordnance No. 13, reverting to the un-ap propriated balance of General Fund |
ORD. No. 769-2020 | 2020-12-15 | Res.No.769-Appropriation Ordinance No.61 the amount P4,870,992.00 is hereby reverted to the unappropriated balance of GF and appropriate for the granting of Collective Negotiation Agreement Incentive to qualified Employees |
ORD. No. 768-2020 | 2020-12-15 | Res.No.768-Appropriation Ordinance No.60 the amount P384,000.00 to be funded from the unappropriated balance of the GF is hereby appropriated |
ORD. No. 767-2020 | 2020-12-15 | Res.No.767-Appropriation Ordinance No.59 the amount P41,050,000.00 of the funding sources is hereby appropriated for granting the Exemplary Services' Incentive at P45,000.00 per employee and P5,000.00 PEI |
ORD. No. 766-2020 | 2020-12-15 | Res.No.766-Appropriation Ordinance No.58 the amount P760,000.00 to be funded from the unappropriated balance of the GF is hereby appropriated |
ORD. No. 765-2020 | 2020-12-15 | Res.No.765-Appropriation Ordinance No.57 the amount P99,408.00 is hereby reverted to the unappropriated balance of the Economic Enterprise and appropriate for the Collective Negotiation Agreement Incentive to qualified LGU Employees |
ORD. No. 764-2020 | 2020-12-15 | Res.No.764-Appropriation Ordinance No.56 the unappropriated balance of the Economic Enterprise, the amount P36,827 is hereby reverted to the unappropriated balance of the Economic Enterprise |
ORD. No. 729-2020 | 2020-12-15 | Res.No.729-Appropriation Ordinance No.55, the amount P70,880.00 is hereby reverted to the unappropriated balance of the GF and appropriate for the purchase of office equipment-1 airconditioning unit for said office |
ORD. No. 728-2020 | 2020-12-15 | Res.No.728-Appropriation Ordinance No.54, the amount P1,600,000.00 under the GF is reverted to the unappropriated balance of GF and appropriate to conform with the recommendation of COA AOM No.2020-09(19) |
ORD. No. 727-2020 | 2020-12-14 | Res.No.727-Appropriation Ordinance No.53, the total amount P1,600,000.00 under the 20 percent DF is reverted to the unappropriated balance of the 20 percent df and to appropriate to conform with the recommendation of COA |
ORD. No. 721-2020 | 2020-12-14 | Res.No.721-Ordinance No.51, deleting section 7 and renumbering sections 8-17 into sections 7-16 and further amending sections 8 and 9 or ordinance No.45 s.2019. |
ORD. No. 719-2020 | 2020-11-24 | Res.No.719-Appropriation Ordinance No.49 The amount P2,079,123.00 representing savings in current appropriation is hereby reverted to the unapproprited balance of the Special Accout-GF Bayanihan Grant to Cities and Municipalities |
ORD. No. 664-2020 | 2020-11-17 | Res.No.664-Appropriation.No.48, the amount of P70,000 to be funded from the unappropriated balance of the Economic Enterprise appropriated for Water Expenses under the Slaughterhouse Operation |
ORD. No. 654-2020 | 2020-11-17 | Res.No.654-Ord.No.47, an ordinance amending ordinance no.18, s.2020 of this body, creating the office of the Human Resource Mgt and and Devt Head 1 (SG25) by adding and assigning an item number OHRMD-1 to the newly created position. |
ORD. No. 647-2020 | 2020-10-22 | Res.No.647-Ord.No.46, an ordinance authorizing the proposed borrowing of LGU Bayawan in the amount of P450,500,000 to fund the various infrastructure projects of the CIty. |
ORD. No. 645-2020 | 2020-10-13 | Res.No.645-Appropriation Ord.No.45, the total amount of P4,219,830 to be funded form the un-appropriated balance of the GF is hereby appropriated for the various expenditures of LGU |
ORD. No. 643-2020 | 2020-10-13 | Res.No.643-Appropriation Ord.No.44, total amount of P11,000,000 out of the abovementioned funding source appropriated for the payment of COVID19 Hazard Pay to LGU Employees and Special Risk Allowance for Frontline Public Health Workers |
ORD. No. 638-2020 | 2020-10-13 | Res.No.638-Appropriation Ord.No.42, an ordinance authorizing the annual budget of LGU Bayawan for CY2021 in the total amount of P1,278,489,028 for the GF and P8,151,526 for the economic enterprises for the LGU operation for FY2021 |
ORD. No. 616-2020 | 2020-10-13 | Res.No.616-Appropriation Ord.No.41, the amount of P531,368 to be funded from the un-appropriated balance of the GF appropriated to cover the 3 months (Oct-Dec.2020) personal services budgetary requirement of the HRMD Officer |
ORD. No. 611-2020 | 2020-10-06 | Res.No.611-Appropriation Ord.No.40, total amount of P2,000,000 representing the savings of CY2020 Dev't Fund intended for the Construction of 10 units residual waste containment for upland brgys under the CY2020 dev't fund |
ORD. No. 602-2020 | 2020-09-22 | Res.No.602-Ord.No.39, an ordinance prescribing guidelines on the grant of franchise to operate a cockpit arena including other regulations relevant thereto in the city of Bayawan, providing taxes and fees and imposing penalties in violations thereof. |
ORD. No. 598-2020 | 2020-09-15 | Res.No.598-Appropriation Ordinance No.37, The amount of P500,000.00 to be funded from the unappropriated balance of the GF is hereby appropriated |
ORD. No. 597-2020 | 2020-09-15 | Res.No.597-Appropriation Ordinance No.36, The amount of P25,000.00 is hereby reverted to the unappropriated balance of the GF and to appropriate for the Purchase of Communication Equipment for the Regional Trial Court - 1 Unit TV set |
ORD. No. 594-2020 | 2020-09-15 | Res.No.594-Ordinance No.35, imposing socialized fees and charges for the administrative adoption proceedings under RA 11222 or the rectification of simulated birth records in Bayawan City, Neg. Or. |
ORD. No. 593-2020 | 2020-09-15 | Res.No.593-Ordinance No.34, suspending imposition of rates under section IX Ord. No.59 or "The regulation and operation of motorized tricycles within Bayawan" imposing in lieu fare rates until the declaration of state of public health by COVID19 is lifted |
ORD. No. 557-2020 | 2020-09-08 | Res.No.557-Appropriation Ordinance No.33, The amount P377,490.00 to be funded from the unappropriated balance of the GF is hereby appropriated. |
ORD. No. 556-2020 | 2020-09-08 | Res.No.556-Appropriation Ordinance No.32, The amount P325,000.00 representing savings in current appropriation for Invitational Tournaments, Trainings and Meetings is hereby reverted to the Unappropriated balance of the GF |
ORD. No. 533-2020 | 2020-08-25 | Res.No.533-Appropriation Ordinance No.31. the amount P459,855.00 from savings of CY 2018 20 percent DF is hereby reverted to the unappropriated balance of DF and to appropriate for the Construction of Small Scale Irrigation Project in Sitio Bolo, Tabuan |
ORD. No. 510-2020 | 2020-08-18 | Res.No.510-Ordinance No.30, and ordinance declaring the third friday of August of every year as greening day in the City of Bayawan, appropriating funds thereof and for other purposes. |
ORD. No. 476-2020 | 2020-08-11 | Res.No.476-Appropriation Ordinance No.29, the amount of P450,500,000.00 to be funded from the loan proceeds from Land Bank of the Philippines is hereby appropriated for the expenditures of the Local Government |
ORD. No. 470-2020 | 2020-07-28 | Res.No.470-Ordinance No.28, amending ordinance No.24 s.2019 creating the positions of 13 coterminus private secretary I in the office of SP and declaring highly confidential to CSC MC No.12 s.2011 by deleting the title ("Administrative Asst. V") |
ORD. No. 452-2020 | 2020-07-21 | Res.No.452-Appropriation Ordinance No.27, the amount of P1,678,571.43 intended for the Purchase of 1 unit backhoe for Brgy. Tayawan is hereby reverted to the unappropriated balance of the DF and to appropriate for the purchase of 1 unit mini dump truck |
ORD. No. 438-2020 | 2020-07-21 | Res.No.438-Appropriation Ordinance No.26, the amount of P150,000.00 to be funded from the unappropriated balance of the CY2020 GF is hereby appropriated for Fidelity Bond Premiums under the Office of the City Mayor |
ORD. No. 436-2020 | 2020-07-21 | Res.No.436-Appropriation Ordinance No.25, the amount of P6,000,000.00 is hereby reverted to the unappropriated balance of the GF and to approriate for the establishment of Montessori-type Child Care Development Center, Nangka Proper |
ORD. No. 435-2020 | 2020-07-21 | Res.No.435-Appropriation Ordinance No.24, the amount of P6,000,000.00 is hereby reverted to the unappropriated balance of the GF and to approriate for the establishment of Montessori-type Child Care Development Center, Purok 2. Brgy. Dawis. |
ORD. No. 392-2020 | 2020-06-23 | Res.No.392-Appropriation Ordinance No.23, the amount of P39,367,642.30 out of the P49,108,472.08 funding source is hereby appropriated. |
ORD. No. 373-2020 | 2020-06-23 | Res.No.373-Appropriation Ordinance No.22, the amount of P2,767,579.00 from the 20 percent DF is hereby reverted to the unappropriated balance of the DF |
ORD. No. 318-2020 | 2020-06-09 | Res.No.318-Ordinance No.21, revising an ordinance abolishing the positions of thirteen Local Legislative Staff Assistant I with salary of grade 6 or under the office of the Sangguniang Panglungsod |
ORD. No. 301-2020 | 2020-05-12 | Res.No.301-Ordinance No.20, an Ordinance authorizing the City Government to utilize idle private agricultural lands for food production in view of the looming food shortage due to the COVID19 Pandemic |
ORD. No. 278-2020 | 2020-04-28 | Res.No.278-Appropriation Ordinance No.19, the amount of P2,321,018.66 from appropriations of 20percent development fund(DF) is reverted to the unappropriated balance of the DF and appropriate P825,00.00 for the Construction of Dawis Public Market |
ORD. No. 260-2020 | 2020-04-21 | Res.No.260-Appropriation Ordinance No.17, the amount of P94,546,812.00 to be funded from the Bayanihan Grant for Cities & Municipalities (BGCM) is hereby appropriated. |
ORD. No. 253-2020 | 2020-04-08 | Res.No.253-OrdinanceNo.16, An Ordinance on the mandatory wearing of face masks in public places and outside their residences of all persons who are found within the territorial jurisdiction of Bayawan during the ECQ and any extension thereof. |
ORD. No. 250-2020 | 2020-04-02 | Res.No.250-Appropriation Ordinance No.5, The amount P189,673.00 be funded under Economic Enterprises is appropriated to cover Implementation of the 1st Tranche of the Modified Salary Schedule for Local Government Pursuant to RA No. 11466. |
ORD. No. 250-2020 | 2020-04-02 | Res.No.250-Appropriation Ordinance No.5, The amount P189,673.00 be funded under Economic Enterprises is appropriated to cover Implementation of the 1st Tranche of the Modified Salary Schedule for Local Government Pursuant to RA No. 11466. |
ORD. No. 241-2020 | 2020-03-27 | Res.No.241-Ord.No.12, adopting a revised ordinance on categorizing the positions of job order workers in the local government of Bayawan City and fixing its daily wage rates effective January 2020. |
ORD. No. 238-2020 | 2020-03-24 | Res.No.238-Ord.No.10, an ordinance amending the item number of supervising administrative officer (administrative officer IV) from item number 10 to item number 10.1 stated under section 1 and section 2, of Ordinance No.41,s.2018 |
ORD. No. 229-2020 | 2020-03-10 | Res.No.229-Ord.No.9, an ordinance temporarily closing a portion of the Bayawan Diversion road, starting from the last intersection of Amparo's Village to the next roundabout on March 14-15, 2020 |
ORD. No. 229-2020 | 2020-03-10 | Res.No.229-Ord.No.9, an ordinance temporarily closing a portion of the Bayawan Diversion road, starting from the last intersection of Amparo's Village to the next roundabout on March 14-15, 2020 |
ORD. No. 155-2020 | 2020-02-11 | Res.No.155-Ord.No.6, An Ordinance amending section 3 of Ord.No.3 s.2016, otherwise known as an ordinance institutionalizing Bayawan City Federation of Senior citizens Asso. of the Phil. Inc. |
ORD. No. 151-2020 | 2020-02-04 | Res.No.151-Ord.No.5, An ordinance temporarily closing Mayor Nene Martinez street, from corner Mabini street to Bollos street on Feb. 7, 2020 from 3:30 PM until 5:00pm for the zumba dance activity |
ORD. No. 151-2020 | 2020-02-04 | Res.No.151-Ord.No.5, An ordinance temporarily closing Mayor Nene Martinez street, from corner Mabini street to Bollos street on Feb. 7, 2020 from 3:30 PM until 5:00pm for the zumba dance activity |
ORD. No. 129-2020 | 2020-02-04 | Res.No.129-Ord.No.4, an ordinance temporarily closing various streets of the city on the whole month of February for the Carnival Operation , Feb.7-24, 2020 forr the Fiesta Baratillo, Feb.15, 2020 for Ginuman Fest and Feb.14, 2020 for the HN Night. |
ORD. No. 129-2020 | 2020-02-04 | Res.No.129-Ord.No.4, an ordinance temporarily closing various streets of the city on the whole month of February for the Carnival Operation , Feb.7-24, 2020 forr the Fiesta Baratillo, Feb.15, 2020 for Ginuman Fest and Feb.14, 2020 for the HN Night. |
ORD. No. 089-2020 | 2020-01-14 | Res.No.89-Ord.No.3, an ordinance abolishing the position of thirteen (13) local legislative staff assistant 1 with a salary grade 6 under the office of the Sangguniang Panlungsod |
ORD. No. 024-2020 | 2020-01-07 | Res.No.24-Ord.No.2, an ordinance establishing City Engineering Satellite Offices (CESO) at strategic locations within Bayawan City and providing funds thereof |
ORD. No. 001-2020 | 2020-01-07 | Res.No.1-Ord.No.1, an ordinance amending section 1 of appropriation ordinance no.23 of 2018. |
ORD. No. 320181 | 2018-05-22 | ORDINANCE NO. 5 |
ORD. No. 99-2015 | 2015-01-20 | Res. No.99, for the abolition of the vacant position of Veterinarian |
ORD. No. 77-2015 | 2015-01-20 | 77- Res#23, series of 2014 of Barangay Banga, enacting Ord#8, reverting the amount of P40,150.01 |
ORD. No. 764-2012 | 2012-09-18 | 764- Resolution No.42, series of 2012 of Barangay Banga, enacting ord#13, appropriating the amount of P50,000.00 |
ORD. No. 406-2012 | 2012-05-15 | Resolution No.406, the City of Bayawan and the City of Makati has a close cultural, social and friendly relations |
ORD. No. 315-2011 | 2011-06-14 | Res.No.315-Ord.No.11, an ordinance appropriating the total amount of P14,785,000 representing the approved loan of the city from LBP for small water impounding project (P9,775,000) and inland aquaculture facility (P5,100,000) under CAGRI office. |
ORD. No. 287-2011 | 2011-05-31 | Res.No.287-Ord.No.10, an ordinance appropriating the amount of P52,337,938 out of the unappropriated balance under the GF to be made available for the programs, projects, activities and various expenditures of different offices of LGU Bayawan. |
ORD. No. 266-2011 | 2011-04-19 | Res.No. 266-Ord.No.9, an ordinance appropriating the amount P3,314,860 out of the un-appropriated balance of the CY2011 Annual Budget and Surplus for CY2010 operation under the GF for various projects, activities of the different offices of LGU Bayawan. |
ORD. No. 133-2011 | 2011-03-15 | Res.No.133,Ordinance No.6 revertving the amount of PHP219,433.02 representing saving of completed projects under the local governments service equalization fund |
ORD. No. 135-2011 | 2011-02-23 | Res.No.135,Ordinance No.05 An ordinance establishing the bayawan city investment code of 2011 |
ORD. No. 103-2011 | 2011-02-11 | TRC.Ordi.No.3, An Ordinance Temporarily Changing The Traffic scheme and Closing some portion of city streets from February 12 to 19,2011. |
ORD. No. 103-2011 | 2011-02-11 | TRC.Ordi.No.3, An Ordinance Temporarily Changing The Traffic scheme and Closing some portion of city streets from February 12 to 19,2011. |
ORD. No. 37-2011 | 2011-01-11 | Res. No. 37-Ordinance No. 2, an ordinance on compulsory installment on early warning devices in all ongoing infrastructure projects along national, provincial,city and barangay roads in Bayawan City. |
ORD. No. 470-2010 | 2010-11-22 | Res. No. 470, s. of 2010, Ord. No. 35 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING FEBRUARY 12 TO 18 OF EVERY YEAR AS THE |